Saturday, October 24, 2009

Test Rasiel child


With borrowed wig from Mizurei. This is to be Rasiel child version.
Dont mind this trial wig test shoot.

Hopefully will have a photoshoot proper.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In times of boredom...

Pardon me if anybody eyes are bleeding.
I was thinking, since I don;t thnk anycreatures would cross over to this blog, I might as well do anything I want here. ^___^

The very reason why Gokudera is better as a dog?wolf? and not a hare/usagi like Rabi....

Took a picture of what someone would look like in hare ears. Short black wig an the hare ears will probably be the hair-set for the tea party soon. Still have yet to decide on the top. I wish i have a blouse. Stab me for not getting anything from the previous Bodyline batch.

Aye, those horrible undead things is me alright. Needs more manliness >(
hahah... oh man. im screwed. =A=

Monday, October 5, 2009

> o <

Finally got a new laptop. Heine the 2nd it is now.
Still in a dilemma tihnking what to cospaly for EOY this year.
-pulls hair out-

Alright, I actually have decided on redoing Gokudera again. Hmm, yeah did him before actually. Kind of an impromotu thing...for the YOG Countdown. -shurgs-

>Pictures are credited to Geckoz. =3

Diffrenet version of cos.
Now the porblem arises; which version?
In old Heine, i have most of the version, screenshots and detailed labelling...
Guess I am back to square 1 on the intense research.
Bah...-pokes self face-
how to lose the cheeks T_____T
OTL to she-ish.

Oh well.

I miss cosplay again.